Tag Archives: Fossil Record

Welcome To The Kirk Cameron Zoo

In Kirk Cameron’s stunted imagination, “if evolution were true”, we ought to see “one animal transitioning into another”; for example, an individual crocodile literally transforming into a bird, with the intermediate being a Crocoduck, a perfect half-and-half creature, like a decimal half way between two integers. Well, tucked away in my childhood, toy depository, I have just such a creature. No, I have three such creatures. Welcome to the Kirk Cameron Zoo.

Behold, the magnificent Chickow

Recoil before the teetering Giraffant

Gaze upon the creepy Catogator.

The tragedy of Kirk Cameron is that he’s fixated on a definition of evolution that doesn’t exist in the real world, the adult world. Kirk, here’s a bit of advice from your own medicine cabinet –the Bible.

Corinthians 13:11 — “When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.”


Filed under Creationist Of The Month Club, Religion

More Lies Supporting Expelled: The Movie



Ben Stein is putting his smirk and whiny voice to ads for the DVD release of Expelled: The Movie, No Intelligence Allowed. Christmas is just around the corner and a rotten lump of pseudo-scientific coal makes such a great stocking stuffer for the kids. In the ads, Mr. Stein claims Expelled is the #1 documentary of 2008. I think not. Let’s check the stats. Expelled grossed about 7.7 million and opened in 1052 theaters, while Bill Mahr’s documentary Religulous grossed 10.6 million and only opened in 502 theaters. If Mr. Stein is alluding to the reviews of Expelled making it #1, then he is wrong on that point, too. Most reviews were resoundingly negative. For example, The New York TImes said,

Mixing physical apples and metaphysical oranges at every turn “Expelled” is an unprincipled propaganda piece that insults believers and nonbelievers alike. In its fudging, eliding and refusal to define terms, the movie proves that the only expulsion here is of reason itself.

Finally, if you go to the Expelled website you can crash their ironic poll asking, “Do you think Darwin’s theories are outdated?” If Darwin is over-the-hill, then creationism is fossilized. I made a funny.


Filed under Intelligent Design

Turkish Creationist Delight: Harun Yahya

Check out this self-promoting creationism pimp from Turkey: Harun Yahya. The picture at the bottom of his webpage makes him look like Turkey’s version of Don Johnson. The Miami Vice, pastel-colored, sports jacket craze went out in the late 80’s, at least in the US.

Harun, an author, who’s real name is Adnan Oktar, is refered to as a “prominent Turkish intellectual”. The Jerry Falwell of the Muslim world perhaps? From his over use of the words “Darwinist” and “Evolutionist”, we would have said prominent anti-intellectual ass-hole, who takes himself way too seriously.

Google the name, Harun Yahya, and you’ll find that he’s spread all over the web like a rash. From anti-evolution to holocaust-revisionism, as an ultra-conservative Muslim, he’s got his bases covered. You’ll find his creationist videos on YouTube under the title “The Collapse of Darwinism”. They’re good for a few laughs. 

An article from the Reuters UK website explains some of Harun Yahya’s activities.

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Filed under Trawling For Creationism